The Pact’s four strategic areas call for activities such as (a) construction and renovation of and provision of new equipment for women’s services referral centres, shelters, specialized women’s police stations, special domestic and family violence against women courts and women’s ombudsmen’s offices; (b) training of professionals in the network of services for women in situations of violence; (c) support for initiatives aimed at preventing violence against women and strengthening respect for the human rights of women prisoners; (d) expansion and consolidation of the women’s services hotline, Llame 180; (e) promotion and implementation of campaigns for preventing and combating violence against women; (f) implementation of the National Trafficking in Persons Policy; and (g) teacher training in non-discriminatory content.
协定有四个策略主轴,律举例下作为:(a) 开辟、校正妇女管事查询中心 并提供新的设备卵翼所,妇女管事越过窥伺站,骚扰妇女家庭暴力越过法庭、 妇女权利各人情切处;(b) 培训遇到暴力妇女管事网专科东说念主员;(c) 撑合手驻防骚扰 妇女暴力的倡议和加强监狱妇女的东说念主权;(d) 扩大和牢固妇女管事中心——180 呼号;(e) 促进和落实驻防畅通,打击骚扰妇女暴力;(f) 实施打击贩运东说念主口国 家政策;(g) 培训不讨厌教诲专科东说念主员。
Since 1995, WACKER has been a member of the Bavarian Environmental Pact. We are also participating in the new Pact, which runs from 2010 to 2015 under the slogan “Sustainable growth balanced by environmental and climate protection.
瓦克从1995年起即是巴伐利亚环境协议 的成 员,并签署了巴伐利亚州2010年至2015年以“兼顾环境柔顺象保护的可合手续发展型增长”为主题的新环境 协议。
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